Thursday, May 1, 2008

Call for presenters for MEEA Conference

The Missouri Environmental Education Association (MEEA) Conference will be December 5th & 6th in St. Louis at the Missouri Botanical Garden. They have a standing call for presenters which you can find here. The deadline for presentation proposals is May 14th.

I think this would be a fantastic opportunity for some ambitious Water Quality Monitors to present some accumulated data. Possibly, we could do a panel comparison of results from high & low on the River des Peres Watershed, Watkins Creek and La Barque Creek, for instance, along with discussion of how the data is being used. Possibly, we could collaborate with the Missouri Master Naturalists & they could present results of their terrestrial snail survey, bryophyte survey and etc. to name a few.

If interested in being a part of this, please contact


Danelle Haake said...

Sign me up! How can I help?

Tom B said...

I've sent in the Workshop proposal form. Title is: The Ostensive Power of Environmental Education; Missouri Stream Team Volunteer Water Quality Monitoring

I figured a panel presentation with slides lasting about 1.5 hours.
Slides would be data collected from various sites, pics of the sites, pics of the macros, possibly creekwalk slide shows that give a face to stream names.

Audience is a mix of formal classroom env. ed. teachers and informal env educators (like us) who do interpretation at various places. Title goes mainly to macro slides mostly (pointing) "THAT is a stonefly, That is a midge fly larvae" etc.

I thought comparison contrast of RdPW with Watkins Creek (Claire Schosser and I will have done both by then), possibly Perugue (Nancy Snider still to contact), La Barque (Bob Coffing says yes). Mona & st. Vincent's Creeks (Linda Fried).

One of the pproudest moments for VWQM appears in the Water Quality Commission considerations of 303d status for RdP & Claire's 10 years of data. I still need to understand that storyline: how the presence of Mayflies led to consideration (which was summarily dismissed on idealogical prejudice.) "THAT is a mayfly".

I thought maybe about a 3 hour slot. I've been known to talk for an hour just about Watkins and still be interesting, but 3 hours seems long. what do you think?